Molinarius Games Ltd
Molinarius Games are a UK tabletop publishing company with a passion for unique & fun games. We started as a small family business in 2020 before operating successful Kickstarter products such as Lakes Game and Ocean Pods.
This lead to Molinarius working alongside several Retail and Distribution companies who stock product in UK and EU locations.
In January 2024 the company grew and split into two divisions. Molinarius Blue produces small easy to learn, fast and fun family games like Shoal & Ocean Pods. Molinarius Black is developing larger Gamefound projects such as Time Troopers.
We work with a wide variety of indie game designers, developers, artists, graphic designers and 3D artists.
We are proud supporters of Ocean Generation charity who we have donated part of our Ocean Pods profits to and used to understand how we can make changes to our processes and components to positively impact the Ocean and climate change.

cfo / Director game design
Lee was a co-founder of Molinarius and the game designer for Lakes Card Game and Ocean Pods. Lee loves board games (of course!) F1 racing and his NFL team the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Director Game Development
Mark was a co-founder of Molinarius and the game developer for Lakes Card Game and Ocean Pods. Mark loves Football and enjoys Corn Holing.

SHOAL Game Designer / Artist
In 2024 Mike joined the team as Molinarius published his first game SHOAL. Mike designed and developed the game and provided the art. Mike will be demoing Shoal at UKGE.

Head of Art & design
Jack designed the artwork for The Lakes Game and as well as designing the website. Jack is instrumental in overseeing the design in all Molinarius products. Jack plays Lacrosse and was 2023 "Sales Person of the year"

Head of operations
If you ever wondered who packages up your games and makes sure the logistics side of things is running smoothly it is Emma. Her favourite games are Ticket to Ride, Ocean Pods & Library Labyrinth.

Proofreader & Editor
Kate keeps all the grammar and spellin erorrs (lol) out of the rulebooks and documents. Kate is a voice of reason and key to the success of Molinarius. Kate even likes to read in her spare time too.

Playtest & iconography
Playtesting and blind testing rulebooks, mission logs and walkthroughs. Adam also supports with the selling, demoing and operations where needed. Adam plays Wingspan almost every day!